Static Cupping Treatments
Static Cupping Placements are used in combination with CTR Massage work or Percussion sessions. This magnifies the effective of the treatment, makes the therapeutic effect last longer & necessary in certain situations to achieve specific results
Benefits of Static Cupping Placements:
- Restores Strength
- Restore & Improves Flexibility
- Promotes Recovery
- Promotes Proper Joint Tracking
- Promotes Nervous System Health
- Improves Circulation
- Removing Body Toxins
- Loosens & Flushes Metabolic Waste
- Improve Breathing
- Improves Skin Appearance
- Improves Athletic Performance
- Promotes Deep Relaxation & Restoration
- Reduce Appearance of Cellulite
- Loosens Muscle Adhesions
- Realigns Scar Tissue
How to Maximize the Benefits from your Cupping Session!!!